Success leaves clues. Learn from people you admire or want to be like.

Tony Robbins


Transforming communication with patients and the practice team.

What this program does, and why it works…

Many Dentists, TCOs and Senior Member of the practice team have never been trained in consultative communication.

Having Consultative conversations doesn’t come naturally, yet they are the best way to put the patient at ease, understand their needs and provide the best solution.

Without these vital skills, clinicians can feel as if they are ‘selling’ treatment options rather than matching options to patient’s needs.

This creates resistance in the team and put the trust with the patient at risk, the complete opposite intention of the dental professional.

In this program we teach the optimal way to take a consultative approach to patient treatment conversations, so the dental professional and the patient agree the best way forward.

Participants gain communication confidence, they improve key skills and learn a structure so they become consistent in their treatment discussions, with every patient every time.


How it works:

The consultative sales & communication training program is based on the bestselling book INSPIRE, INFLUENCE, SELL.

This program is a series of ten training and coaching workshops (hosted on Zoom fortnightly for 90 minutes per session).

These are open workshops with groups of 20 dental professionals who are aiming to transform their consulting, communicating and influencing skills.

The program covers the three foundations of world class ‘consultative sales & communication’ performance:

1 – Psychology
2 – Skills
3 – Systems

We utilise the simple but powerful ‘Prepare²’ framework – The High Performing Practice Model

There are 5 key elements:

      • Self-belief
      • Practice readiness
      • Team beliefs
      • Attitudes and behaviours
      • Patient experience

Then we work through the world class ‘INSPIRe Consultative Sales System’.

All of our workshops are interactive, highly engaging and focused on action and implementation. Tailored to suit the organisation and team’s needs these workshops are truly transformational for sales teams and leaders.

The model has been designed to be incredibly easy for dental leaders to coach and embed the new behaviours as their teams apply them in practice with patients.

Contact us if you’d like to register for the next INSPIRE, CONSULT, SELL program.


Full workshops package £1,495 + VAT

Practice Growth Mastermind

Our follow-on program ‘Practice Growth Mastermind’ is a monthly coaching workshop session (hosted on Zoom) to support leaders and teams to implement the models and accelerate practice’s growth. The focus is on improving performance and increasing consultative selling. Dental professionals (and practice leaders) bring their priorities, challenges and questions to the workshop sessions where they get the time, space and expertise to address them.

Led by a highly experienced Focus4Growth trainer, participants leave each session with clarity, focus and the tools and motivation to succeed. These truly are ‘Practice Growth Sessions’.

Contact us if you would like to be added to the waiting list for one of our Mastermind Groups.

Monthly Subscription Fee – £195 + VAT

For more information, please get in touch…

Click here to contact us now

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